Then Came the Light
Then Came the Light
Image by NEOM on Unslpash
When our story was young,
Our very first chapter strung
On the rungs of history and earth had just begun to breathe.
Breathe, then, from the mouth of God
filled the lungs of his clay-made image bearers,
the wearers of a legacy they could not yet understand
and a tragedy they would yet demand by doubt
and descent into
Attendance to the criticism of
A dragon speaking scarcity and deficit
Maleficent, the serpent’s anti-benediction
Wreaking the dislocation of the
Bearers of God’s face from their souls
And from the Father’s light,
Exiling them from Eden
Adam and Eve become the
Progenitors of scattered and divided
Tribes, suspicious of each other
And disordered within themselves
Empires locked in strife over wealth
And nation-states gripped with corrupted entitlement
Fighting erupting by the assumption of scarcity
Generations consigned to their darkness
But hearken, open, welcome, listen
To an echoing insistence that
That the mission of God has not been broken
And that it will restore as chosen, these
The exiles of Eden;
Penned in pining, aching, they await
Their God
The Father spoke in promise
Presciently electing their descendent
To confront the dragon bent on their dissuasion
This descendant, sent by God
To dwell on earth
And crush the serpent’s head
God designed to arch the story back
To peace and wonder
Wheel the fray around to clasp
The rivets of eternity complete
And reconciled
Wondrous words he spoke to the
Keepers of promise
Abraham and Sarai selected
For the blessing of the scattered nations
Their descendant son
Like David: king,
like Melchizedek: priest
Of whom the poor will sing,
With whom the freed captives will feast,
Anointed King to seek and save the lost
And recall the scattered to the temple,
Built by heaven,
Which is Eden which is reconciliation,
Which is peace
To a people living in darkness,
Grim prospects their inheritance,
To those thought forgotten
A light was promised
A man to cease the clamour of hammers chiseling idols
And a prince of peace to devastate the engines of war
A man to sever the principalities from their powers,
And make obsolete the zero-sum stratagems
Of scarcity fueled humanity
To scared and divided children of the Exile
Scatter shot across an earth that groans in anticipation.
The Son of Man would come.
When cruel imperialism bit down
in Roman incisors
upon the children of covenant
Who were bound concurrently by local self-righteous legalism
When the poor languished under their substitute shepherds’ negligence.
The Exile of Eden having strayed so far from their genesis.
When the world had lost its center
Into the mess would enter Christ.
When the world was lost to darkness,
Then came – at last – the light.